Gprinter Mobile App upgrade to V5.0.4, Are you still using the old version?
Up to March 2020, the latest Gprinter android app version is V5.0.4, the latest Gprinter iOS app version is V1.0.0
Firstly, Let's check if you are using old version app:
Android Phone: Open App → Setting → Check Update → V5.0.4
(congrats you are using the latest version Gprinter app already)
iOS Devices: Open App → Setting → Check Update → V1.0.0
(congrats you are using the latest version Gprinter app already)

If i am using old app, should I upgrade to the latest version?
Yes, we suggest you do so. Because the latest app will have stable connection with our printers, and we are keep fixing bug from customers' feedback. The more important is new function would benefit your editings job!
Here are the new app looks like:
If you are using Android device, you can scan the QR code in picture below. Or you can visit the download link directly:
Still failed or have problem to down load, please kindly reach me, I will send you the apk, you can install to you devices directly. Drop E-mail to:
If you are using iOS device, you can search " GprinterX" directly from app store, here are the Screenshot for you to recognize our app's icon.
Hopes that it is a helpful instruction for you update Gprinter App! And we Gprinter team wish you satisfactory experience when using our products!